PB in Action blog posts
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PB Scotland is featuring a series of updates from Scottish local authorities who have been supported to engage in PB activity by the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government is part-funding PB consultancy support delivered by PB Partners during 2015/16 to twenty local authorities across Scotland signed up for PB activity in their area.
You can read these updates below.
June saw 2 Participatory Budgeting events in East Ayrshite - Mauchline on June 5th and Valley Ventures, in Darvel on June 25th.
Kilwinning’s young people came out in force at the weekend to secure over £3500 for community projects in the town.
Each of Glasgow’s 21 Area Partnerships had access to £10k of the £210,000 pot for disbursal using Community Budgeting - read about how it happened in this report.
North Ayrshire's second PB event was held in the 3 Towns of Saltcoats, Stevenston and Ardrossan on the 21st May 2016 - read about the results of this PB process
On Saturday the 30th APRIL 2016 (11am to 3pm), people in South Central Edinburgh will have the chance to decide how £200k is spent on housing, the environment and roads.
Local residents in a disadvantaged area of Midlothian are being supported to decide how to spend £30,000 to support people who are struggling financially
The first North Ayrshire PB event will take place on Saturday 19th March 2016. The event will be a chance for local community members aged 8+ to vote on £12,000 of funds for community organisations, who can bid for up to £700.
Edinburgh South West Neighbourhood Partnership has run a PB process where young people have decided on £10,000 for local projects.
Colleagues from Ayrshire have let us know about some of the developments taking place in the early part of 2016, including community information meetings and PB training.
As featured on the Innovation Exchange website, Western Isles Council has used PB to engage withcommunities in Uist and Barra around the redesign of the local public bus services.