Antwerp’s consensus-based Participatory Budget
/Demsoc’s interview with Hanne Bastiaensen about her work on Antwerp's consensus-based PB process .
Read MoreDemsoc’s interview with Hanne Bastiaensen about her work on Antwerp's consensus-based PB process .
Read MoreThe Democratic Society have published a new report which provides a summary of learning around digital PB in Scotland since 2016.
Read MoreLearn more about the meeting of the first ever PB Digital Development Group organised by the Democratic Society Scotland.
Read MoreAre you passionate about developing and supporting participation and giving citizens the opportunity and tools to become active participants in decision-making?
Read MoreThe Democratic Society has published a draft paper which outlines methods of implementing the new public participation in decision making power described in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act.
Read MoreParticipatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
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