We want your ideas to help improve our work on the PB Scotland Network. The survey will take a couple of minutes and help us improve what we do.
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We want your ideas to help improve our work on the PB Scotland Network. The survey will take a couple of minutes and help us improve what we do.
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Community Choices funded events are taking place across the country during 2018. Catch up on everything that's happening.
Read MoreThe Scottish Government and COSLA have announced that at least 1% of local government budgets will be decided through participatory budgeting (PB) by the end of 2021, with £100 million in council funds potentially available
Read More16 community organisations and 17 local councils will share the £1.5 million fund, with more than 90 applications submitted for 2017/18.
Read MoreOn 7th June 2017 the PB Scotland Advisory Group met to discuss the progress of participatory budgeting (PB) and the future priorities for the PB Scotland Network. Below is the note of this meeting. For information about the PB Advisory contact paul@scdc.org.uk
Present: Evelyn O’Donnell Glasgow City Council, Michele Mulvaney, City of Edinburgh Council, Pauline Grandison, Coalfields Regeneration Trust, John Duffy, North Lanarkshire, Francesca Lynch, Community Links, Mohammed Razaq, West of Scotland Race Equality Council, Dot Grieve, East Ayrshire Council, Daniel Greif, Highland Council, Mary Scott, North Ayrshire Council, Martin Robertson, TSI Moray, Fiona Garven, SCDC
Apologies: Dawn Brown, Garioch Partnership, Heather Woods, MacMillan, Paul Nelis, SCDC
In attendance: Kathleen Glazik, Scottish Government, Angela O’Hagan, Glasgow Caledonian University
The meeting of the PB Advisory Group comprised of two informal presentations from Kathleen Glazik and Angela O’Hagan, followed by open discussion:
Kathleen reported on the progress made through Scottish Government £2M support package for Community Choices in 2016/17. Self-evaluations of the projects supported through the funds disbursed in 2016/17 are currently being analysed. Discussions are taking place between the Scottish Government and COSLA to explore how to take forward the target of having at least 1% of council budgets subject to community choices. There is commitment in SG to continue to support PB to the same level in 2017/18, subject to Ministerial approval.
Discussion points focused on digital, equalities and following the public pound.
It was agreed that a sub group should be formed to examine the above issues in more depth.
Action: FG, EO’D, MM and KG
It was agreed that PB Scotland should offer a learning event focused specifically on equalities.
Action: FG, PN
Following the public pound:
Angela gave a summary update on the findings of the evaluation work so far. An interim report is imminent. The evaluation work is expected to continue over 2017/18. GCU is working in 20 local authority areas and is developing 6 in depth case studies. They are using a combination of focus group discussions, observation, and interviews with community organisations and activists, applicants, grant recipients, unsuccessful applicants, elected members and officials. The research is focusing on the impact on services, communities and democracy, and on equalities and diversity of participation, all in the context of early stage development given that PB is a relatively new and rapidly emerging phenomenon in Scotland with new ideas and new language.
Some of the emerging themes include;
The meeting concluded with a short discussion on priorities for the PB Scotland Network:
It was suggested that the PB Scotland nominate a person to sit on the PB working group, or that representation is rotated. It was agreed that terms of reference for each group need to be agreed.
Action: FG, PN, KG
PB Scotland has a new homepage that makes the site easier and simpler to use.
Read MoreOn Wednesday 22nd February 2017 you're invited to attend the first learning event for PB Scotland Network members.
Read MoreOur goal is create a searchable database of information about past, present and future PB activity in Scotland - and you can help.
Read MoreThe Scottish Government has announced which community organisations and local authorities have been successful in applying for funding to distribute through participatory budgeting processes.
Read MorePB Scotland is now On Twitter - follow @PB_Scotland to hear the latest.
Read MoreMinister for Local Government and Housing Kevin Stewart MSP speaks about his ambitions for PB in Scotland.
Read MorePB Scotland visits Cardenden to find out more about the local PB activity and a new £2m PB fund
Read MoreThese funds will enable further involvement from community organisations and other public bodies over the next year.
Read MoreParticipatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
For more information please contact info@pbscotland.scot.
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