Kyle Community Projects Let’s Decide
/Kyle Community Projects – Let’s Decide! Application deadline extended!
Read MoreKyle Community Projects – Let’s Decide! Application deadline extended!
Read MoreLochalsh local councillors have set aside a ‘pot’ of £10,000 – made up of £4,000 from the local Ward Discretionary Budget topped up with £6,000 of Scottish Government funding - and they want to put the community in control of how it is spent through a ‘Kyle Community Project – Let’s Decide!’ event.
Whether you want to organise a dance for young people, a healthy living project, a crime prevention idea, a lunch club for older residents, a community arts project…the only limit is your imagination!
Any local community, voluntary or non-profit organisation can apply for funding from £200 to £2,000 to put ideas into action. Only one bid is permitted per organisation and all activities will have to happen in the Kyle Community Council Area by Lochalsh based organisations and benefit local people.
For more information or help with your application drop into the The Lighthouse Centre, Station Road, Kyle any Wednesday from 10-2pm or phone or email the SLCVO office on 01478 612921 or
To apply for the funding you must return your completed form before the closing date on Friday February 16 2018.
Inverness Central local councillors have set aside a ‘pot’ of £20,000 – made up of £10,000 from the local Ward Discretionary Budget topped up with £10,000 of Scottish Government funding - and they want to put the community in control of how it is spent through a ‘Building a Stronger Merkinch’ event.
Any local community, voluntary or non-profit organisation can apply for funding from £200 to £2,500 to put ideas into action. Only one bid is permitted per section of an organisation and all activities will have to happen in the Merkinch Community Council Area and benefit local people.
For more information or help with your application drop into to see either:
To apply for the funding you must return your completed form before the closing date on Friday 23 February 2018.
Participatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
For more information please contact
Terms & conditions.