Helsinki card game intended to help spark ideas for projects that the city can fund


A new card game from Helsinki gives citizens a chance to decide how funds should be used through participatory budgeting.

Bloomberg Cities notes:

‘While they found a lot of excitement [in getting involved in the PB process], they also heard concern that the process of proposing ideas seemed daunting or overwhelming. “It’s not easy to just come up with ideas,” said Kirsi Verkka, who manages participatory budgeting for Helsinki. “People need encouragement to participate and get engaged.”

‘That’s where the card game comes in. The game is aimed at making it easy to come up with and submit ideas for funding — less like a civic duty and more like a fun thing you do with friends and neighbors. That, too, comes from the discipline of design, where there’s an emphasis on finding creative ways to solve problems in new ways.’

There’s more here.