Participatory budgeting for elected members - briefing

The Improvement Service has produced an updated version of its guidance around PB for elected members. 

This guidance has been updated in the context of the 1% PB commitment agreed by the Scottish Government and COSLA.

It includes details of recent participatory budgeting projects run by councils, as well as information about the specific role elected members can play:

  • "To be clear the aims of the process are understood
  • To make sure the relevant resources to run an effective PB process are in place
  • To ensure the process is inclusive and local people can participate in all stages of the process.
  • To engage with local people, to encourage and support them to participate in the process.
  • To approve the decision made by local people in the allocation of funding, through the appropriate decision-making committee/body in the council."

You can download it here.